Panel – Desert Soldier
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Are you tired of trying to live a normal, dignified life while battling PTSD…only to feel like your efforts are never enough? Do you see that your PTSD has a negative impact on your relationships, but you don’t know how to stop that from happening?
We are a group of veterans energized to spread the word about a groundbreaking PTSD treatment that has changed our lives and the lives of other veterans we know and love.
PTSD is not just a psychological problem. PTSD is also a physical problem, and advances in science are only just beginning to uncover the degree to which PTSD is a physical problem. With these discoveries, the healthcare community is increasingly recognizing that perhaps psychotherapy (i.e., “talk therapy”) alone isn’t enough to truly restore quality of life to individuals living with PTSD. Resultantly, the healthcare community has been examining novel approaches to treatment – one of which is the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB).
We believe that the relief we have experienced from SGB should be available to all trauma survivors. Thus, this site is designed to provide free information and resources about SGB for PTSD. So leave your credit card in your wallet and settle in for some knowledge that could change your life…or the life of someone you love.
Panel – KIA Mem
About SGB for Vets
Mission Statement
At, we aspire to end the needless suffering of individuals living with PTSD by changing the narrative about the physical properties of PTSD and widely disseminating information about its available treatments. By providing education and resources that can reduce PTSD symptoms, we also hope to reduce PTSD-related suicide rates.
Our Team
Joye Henrie, PhD – Dr. Henrie served active duty in the United States Air Force as a clinical psychologist and a suicide prevention program manager. She currently owns a private practice in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she also co-founded a group practice that specializes in treating military members, veterans, and their loved ones. Dr. Henrie strives daily to provide value-added treatment for PTSD, to advocate for the needs of the veteran community, and to train civilian mental health professionals to provide culturally competent care to our veteran population. In addition to seeing patients and training mental health professionals, Dr. Henrie provides trainings to the PTSD Foundation of America and Camp Hope, is a certified war trauma expert, and is an ad hoc reviewer for the Defense Health Agency’s Clinical Communities Speaker Series.
Brian Hill – Mr. Hill is an Arizona native and a 21 year retired USAF combat wounded veteran. He served in various mission sets including Combat Search and Rescue as well as a Combat Air Advisor focusing in the IW/UW and Foreign Internal Defense arenas. Mr. Hill is also a PTSD survivor; he works diligently to bring his personal experiences and awareness about the positive effects of SGB treatments vs the traditional routes of routine prescription drugs and narcotics that more often leave many veterans still feeling lost, helpless and hopeless. Some benefits Mr. Hill has experienced from SGB include reduction in severity and frequency of nightmares, reduced anxiety and his ability to deal with triggers have become easier to manage. Bottom line, Mr. Hill has accepted the fact that there is no real cure for PTSD… but there is promising hope to being able to treat and manage it without the need of routine prescription medications or daily narcotics!
Sujana Chowdhury, MSW – Sujana earned her Master’s degree in Social Work at New Mexico State University in May 2021. She is now pursuing her Licensed Clinical Social Worker credentialing and serves as a psychodynamic therapist at a Veteran owned private practice that specializes in treating military affiliated folks. Sujana has worked in a variety of Social Work roles and through her collected experiences, she has discovered a passion for working with people who have experienced trauma. After increasingly learning about the distinct nature of military experiences, the major discrepancies between civilian and military life, and the shortage of qualified mental healthcare providers for military-connected individuals, Sujana was driven to dedicate her professional work to this population.
Panel – Paratroopers
What is SGB?
What is SGB?
PTSD: A Lay of the Land
To understand how an injection can be beneficial to individuals living with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), we must first understand a little about the anatomy of PTSD.
When a person experiences a traumatic event, they were rendered unable to prevent the event. (The importance of being rendered unable and/or ineffective in PTSD is covered in Dr. van der Kolk’s book, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.) Simultaneously, the limbic system in the brain activates (i.e., the part of the brain responsible for emotions and memories – to include the fight-flight-freeze response), which results in a variety of physiological changes.
When a person is chronically living with PTSD, their limbic system (and its responses) is hyperactive and hypersensitive. In other words, it’s like running a car at 8,000 rpm and like having a car that jolts to 100 mph with the slightest tap on the accelerator. Once you’ve lived through and have been unable to prevent a traumatic event, your brain may conclude that it has to be hyper-alert and ready to roll at any minute.
Living with a hyperactive and hypersensitive limbic system can keep people on edge, make them irritable, and impact various organ systems in the body. Dr. Henrie describes these limbic system changes as akin to having a threat management radar set on hypersensitive: “The threat-management radar of the average person is set at a specificity level to immediately detect clear and overt threat – like the radar-equivalent of a missile. A person with PTSD, however, has the sensitivity of their threat-management radar turned up as high as it will go. They’re no longer just detecting missiles. They’re detecting mosquitos.” (Read more at:
Many traditional psychotherapies for PTSD overlook the importance of limbic system alterations in PTSD. Some therapists may tell you to challenge your thoughts or beliefs. Others may flood you with memories of your trauma in an attempt to desensitize you to traumatic content. And so on. But how is a person supposed to live with high doses of adrenaline coursing through their body on a routine basis? And how could anyone expect them to function optimally with those contingencies?
This is the very problem that SGB targets. Effective SGB injections calm the limbic system – attempting to return it to normative functioning, so the individual with PTSD is more comfortable and more in control of their responses to both stress and surprise. This also enables the individual to more fully participate in psychotherapy, which can then focus on improved functioning in relationships, healthier self-concepts, and adaptability across a variety of settings.
For additional information on the physiology and output of PTSD, we encourage you to check out our free handouts:
What is the stellate ganglion?
- The stellate ganglion is a bundle of nerves that are part of the sympathetic nervous system. They extend down to the neck in approximately 80% of the population.
- See:
Anatomical structure/location of the stellate ganglion
Stellate ganglion’s relation to sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight)
- “The sympathetic nervous system directs the body’s rapid involuntary response to dangerous or stressful situations. A flash flood of hormones boosts the body’s alertness and heart rate, sending extra blood to the muscles. Breathing quickens, delivering fresh oxygen to the brain, and an infusion of glucose is shot into the bloodstream for a quick energy boost. This response occurs so quickly that people often don’t realize it’s taken place, according to Harvard Medical School. For instance, a person may jump from the path of a falling tree before they fully register that it’s toppling toward them.” (Source: Live Science)
- As described in the sections above, the stellate ganglion connects directly to the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight-flight-freeze response. Thus, the stellate ganglion is a ready entry point to targeting the part of the nervous system that keeps individuals with PTSD keyed up.
The stellate ganglion block and its history
- The stellate ganglion block (SGB) has been used for roughly a century for a variety of presenting concerns (e.g., regional pain, Raynaud disease, arterial embolism, accidental intra-arterial injection of drugs, Meniere syndrome).
- Historically, SGBs were administered by the provider feeling for “landmarks.” Today, SGBs are typically administered via live imaging, which has resulted in reduced risks and improved effectiveness.
- “In the early 2010s, some military medical centers began offering patients with PTSD a procedure that had been used for decades to relieve pain.”
- Success rates of SGBs for PTSD have ranged from 70-90%, depending on the study referenced.
The SGB injection/procedure
- SGBs are typically administered by pain specialists and/or anesthesiologists. They utilize x-ray or ultrasound imaging to guide a needle into the stellate ganglion bundle of nerves at the base of the neck, where they inject a local anesthetic.
- The procedure is quick – typically taking only 5-15 minutes.
- The provider will likely have you remain in the clinic for observation for a brief period of time – to ensure that you don’t have any adverse reactions.
- For safety reasons, you should also have someone drive you to and from your appointment.
SGB risks and side effects
- The most common side effects of SGB are constricted pupils, drooping of the eyelid, redness of the eye, and pain/soreness in the shoulder or neck.
- For additional information about potential risks and side effects, visit our library of resources.
- When reading about side effects (SE) of SGB, we recommend you look at the total SGB literature – not just SGB for PTSD, as it’s the same procedure – but SGB was around long before its use for PTSD. This gives the medical world a much more robust view of potential SEs.
- Be careful to distinguish potential SEs when the SGB is administered with use of imaging (e.g., ultrasound, x-ray) vs. blindly via the doctor feeling for “landmarks.” The latter is considered more risky.
- There is a difference between SEs (e.g., hoarseness, droopy eyelid) and complications (e.g., erroneous punctures).
How long does it last?
- Based on our readings, it is suggested that the benefits of an SGB for PTSD can last from months to years, and researchers and providers are reporting that it is unclear who will need one injection vs. who will need multiple injections (aka: a course of treatment).
- Similar readings have suggested that some individuals can receive one injection and be good to go, whereas others need repeated injections for up to 2 years.
- In our clinical experience (i.e., our observations of our patients and loved ones who have received SGB for PTSD), most people are receiving maximal benefit from getting an SGB every 2 months for the first 6-12 months, and thereafter, they can better tolerate spacing their injections further apart.
- We don’t have sufficient scientific data at this point to understand the differences in people’s responses/needs, but we have a running hypothesis that those with chronic and/or childhood trauma will need more injections across a longer period of time. We hypothesize this because trauma reactions (including at the limbic system level) are a learned behavior. Through repeated trauma exposure, we learn that the world is a dangerous place. That is, we have neural pathways – or “muscle memory” – for trauma, which trains our brain to remain alert and sensitized to potential threat. It makes sense, then, that it would take more administrations of SGB to “reset” or “retrain” the limbic system to have a normal orientation to threat.
- In contrast, a single exposure to trauma doesn’t habituate the brain to trauma and threat as thoroughly. That is, the “habit” of trauma isn’t as deep or robust. Therefore, it stands to reason that an individual with single-exposure PTSD would have a more malleable limbic system that is more readily responsive to a single dose of SGB (or fewer doses of SGB).
- SGB treatments aren’t a race or competition. There’s no blue ribbon for only needing one injection, so don’t set yourself up by having unrealistic expectations about the number of injections you’ll need. We recommend you approach SGB as a “course of treatment”…preemptively committing to continuing your treatment regimen until symptoms reside and don’t return.
Cautionary statements
- Don’t expect “happy,” as “happy” is not the goal of SGB for PTSD. Rather, our clinical observations suggest that “calm” or “at ease” are better and more frequent descriptors of what people achieve from SGB treatment.
- As noted previously, SGB for PTSD is not a panacea or “cure all.” It merely calms the limbic system – resetting your limbic system from 8,000 rpm to 2,000 rpm.
- There are many other symptoms of PTSD that aren’t automatically corrected by calming the limbic system. For example:
- Relationship problems
- Occupational functioning
- Beliefs about yourself and/or others (e.g., trust issues)
- Grief
- Avoidance
- Inflexibility
- Depression
- Social isolation
- Communicating unpleasant emotions through anger
- Risky and self-destructive behaviors
- Substance misuse
- Suicidality
- Shame, guilt, and self-blame
- SGB works best in conjunction with psychotherapy – the latter of which can target the above symptoms.
- There are many forms of psychotherapy, and no single form of therapy is the best fit for everyone.
- Even though some therapists (or websites) may tell you that theirs is the “gold standard” treatment for PTSD, the research is actually much more convoluted than this messaging lets on. For example, controlled studies on “gold standard treatments” have shown that up to 70% of veterans dropout prematurely.
- Thus, we recommend that you are a discerning consumer — actually believing what your own senses tell you about what is/isn’t best for you.
- If the approach seems gimmicky or makes promises that seem unrealistic, you might want to reconsider.
- If the premise of the approach is offensive to you, you might want to reconsider.
- If the approach sends you into a tailspin and presses on without regard to you no longer being able to function, you might want to reconsider.
- In sum, we encourage individuals with PTSD to move away from the old-school mentality of “the doctor knows best.” You are the expert on you, and an excellent, trauma-informed therapist honors that.
- Relatedly, the personality of a therapist is critical to your therapeutic success. It’s important for you to select a therapist who is a good fit for you, as decades of psychological research have concluded that the therapeutic relationship (i.e., the relationship between patient and therapist) is the single best predictor of treatment outcomes.
Cost and insurance coverage
- As of this writing, health insurances are not known to cover the cost of SGB for PTSD, as the procedure is currently considered “experimental.”
- There are a few VAs that have made SGB available for PTSD, so we recommend that veterans research VA and DoD availability for the latest coverage information.
- See the VA’s fact sheet at:
- Cost per injection varies widely, as we’ve seen some doctors charge $2,000 per injection vs. others who charge $300 per injection.
- Recently, there have been legislative efforts to require the VA to cover the cost of SGB injections for veterans with PTSD. We’re still in the early stages of these efforts, however, but we anticipate that with additional research data, coverage will be more broad.
Panel – At Dusk
Library of Resources
Library of Resources
60 Minutes feature on CBS: SGB: A possible breakthrough treatment for PTSD (2019)
Interview w/ Dr. Mulvaney, a military veteran & a pioneer of SGB for PTSD
Interview w/ a pioneer of SGB for PTSD, Dr. Lipov: SGB: Possible breakthrough treatment for PTSD (2019)
A firefighter’s story: Patient Testimonial | Firefighter receives SGB for PTSD (2019)
Dakota Meyer’s video to fundraise for SGB (Medal of Honor recipient): SGB TREATMENT FOR VETERANS WITH PTSD (2019)
VA Fact Sheet: Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (2018)
Overview of SGB for PTSD by The Stellate Institute (Drs. Mulvaney & Lynch):
Psych Health Center of Excellence Fact Sheet: Stellate Ganglion Block for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2017)
Military Times article: New research shows nerve injections are effective for treating PTSD symptoms (2019)
Medscape article: Five-Minute Injection May Offer an Effective Option for PTSD (2019)
Overview from Cornell: Stellate Ganglion Block for PTSD
Overview by Direct Orthopedic Care: SGB for PTSD Relief (2020)
Effort to pass legislation: Treatment that reduces PTSD should be allowed to be used by more veterans: lawmaker (2020)
US Naval Institute article: PTSD: Treat the Epidemic in Our Ranks – New Medical Evidence for Dealing with It Head On (2019)
Spine Review overview: 6 Points on Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with Stellate Ganglion Block (2012)
Orlando Medical News: Easing the Toll of PTSD for Military Veterans
Clinical Studies
NIH Study on effectiveness: Evidence Brief: Effectiveness of Stellate Ganglion Block for Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)(2017)
JAMA Psychiatry publication: Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block Treatment on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms – A Randomized Clinical Trial (2019)
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs – Military Operational Medicine: Effectiveness and Patient Acceptability of Stellate Ganglion Block for Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Active Duty Military Members (2019)
Potential Side Effects of SGB
- When reading about side effects (SE) of SGB, we recommend you look at the total SGB literature – not just SGB for PTSD, as it’s the same procedure – but SGB was around long before its use for PTSD. This gives the medical world a much more robust view of potential SEs.
- Be careful to distinguish potential SEs when the SGB is administered with use of imaging (e.g., ultrasound, x-ray) vs. blindly via the doctor feeling for “landmarks.” The latter is considered more risky.
- There is a difference between SEs (e.g., hoarseness, droopy eyelid) and complications (e.g., erroneous punctures).
PubMed Survey of SEs: Complications and side effects of stellate ganglion blockade. Results of a questionnaire survey (1992)
Allied Academies Study of SEs: Complications and success rates of stellate ganglion blockade; blind technique vs. fluoroscopic guidance (2017)
Centers for Pain Control: Ganglion Nerve Block
Cleveland Clinic: Stellate Ganglion Block
Panel – Tank
“For the first time in my life, I feel like I can breathe.” – Anonymous veteran
“This is what normal people feel like? No way.” – Anonymous survivor of childhood trauma
“[PTSD] is not eating my life in the same way as it was before SGB.” – Anonymous medical professional
“SGB feels like it cooled my system down. I can tolerate things now that I couldn’t before. I can take a breath before responding. I can recover more quickly when something agitates me. I just feel a lot more normal now.” – Anonymous veteran
Use our contact page if you’d like to submit your own testimonial!
Want to be included?
If you have gotten a SGB for PTSD and would like to have your experience included in this list, please use our contact form to submit your testimonial.
Panel – HeloDeck
Where do I get SGB treatment?
Where do I get SGB treatment?
Financial assistance for veterans! For veterans that need financial assistance for SGB treatments, contact For the Love of a Veteran [a 501(c)(3) charitable organization] at:
If you are in a position to do so, consider making a donation to For the Love of a Veteran to help other veterans gain access to this life-changing treatment.
Research participation opportunity! As of February 2023, we have become aware of a SGB for PTSD research study being conducted at 6 VA locations across the country (i.e., VA Long Beach Healthcare System, Long Beach, CA; James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital, Tampa, FL; Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis, MN; VA Salt Lake City Health Care System, Salt Lake City, UT; White River Junction VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT; William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, Madison, WI). If you’d like to participate, check out the flyer below or the PDF here: SGB Research Flyer.
Known providers of SGB for PTSD:
- VA Long Beach Healthcare System, Long Beach, CA
- Contact your VA mental health provider/clinic for additional information
- Dr. John Vogel
- Innovative Pain Care
- 3939 Roswell Rd, Ste 240
- Marietta, GA 30062
- (404) 445-8175
- Innovative Pain Care Page
- Dr. Vogel’s SGB Page
- Dr. Sean Mulvaney & Dr. James Lynch
- The Stellate Institute
- 116 Defense Hwy, Ste 203
- Annapolis, MD 21401
- (410) 505-0530
- Stellate Institute Page
New Mexico
- Dr. Craig Nairn
- New Mexico Pain Solutions
- 8080 Academy Rd NE, Ste A
- Albuquerque, NM 87111
- (505) 247-9700
- Dr. Nairn’s Stellate Ganglion Center Page
- Pain Solutions SGB Page
- Reset Medical and Wellness Center
- (877) 737-3810
- Reset Center Page
- Reset Center SGB Page
- Dr. Harold Pierre
- Frugal Doctor
- 8931 S Yale Ave, Ste Q
- Tulsa, OK 74137
- (918) 518-1636
- Dr. Pierre’s Page
- Dr. Allison Wells
- Wells Medicine
- 9055 Katy Fwy #311
- Houston, TX 77024
- (713) 589-5118
- Wells Medicine SGB Page
- Dr. Robert Groysman
- Southwest Pain Management
- 220 O’Connor Ridge Blvd, Ste 105
- Irving, TX 75038
- (214) 305-8004
- Southwest Pain Management Page
Multiple Locations across the U.S.
- Stella Center
- (866) 497-9248
- Stella Center Page
Know an SGB for PTSD provider? Send us your leads!!!
Want to be included?
If you are a qualified medical provider who administers SGB for PTSD and would like to be included in this list, please use our contact form to submit your information.
Panel – Neuron
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